The bouquet is overrated and has been used many times. If you summer wedding or a wedding on Asia or even the Victorian period, then an umbrella may be the best accessory for the bridesmaids. Umbrellas not only look great in the pictures but also protect your bridesmaids against the vicissitudes of nature and can be reused. Select an umbrella is made of rice paper, silk or lace. The choice is yours. Match the color of the umbrella with the dresses of the bridesmaids or give their umbrellas contradict dresses.
Paper Fans
Another nice alternative especially for a wedding on Asia. For such a wedding, choose fans for bridesmaids made of rice paper and bamboo and hand-painted. You can also choose fans from silk. If you plan to have a wedding on the West, then select fans made of straw. Like the umbrellas, the fans are beautiful accessories that look wonderful photos and create unique images. In fact to match with it, you can also use as decorative fans.
You do not want to use bridal bouquets but would still like to have flowers as accessories for the bridesmaids? Well in this case a corsage may be the solution you're looking for. Based on your choice, you can choose either an elegant corsage with fern or a more grandiose version with huge flowers and bright colors. Of course, it is necessary to match the colors of the flower corsage in the color of the dress of the bridesmaid.