See how described the wedding summarized below:
"Marriage is like having a big child who must then find his things - shoes, wallet, keys, contact lenses.» - Ciara Hill
"Marriage is to be very sure that you can identify your husband in a kataskoteino room only by the farts.» - Laura Looch
"Marriage is when you eat food and ask 'Do you want a little?' But hope to tell you not.» - Gary Casper Muirhead
"Marriage is to kiss your child goodnight before your partner and run down to get the first remote control.» - Melissa Waldron
"Marriage is to observe who can pretend to sleep longer when a child or pet wants something.» - Christine Wiedeman Summers
"Marriage is basically trying to remember when the other haircut changed to do not forget to tell him that he go, even if it has not changed at all.» - Paige Smith Radley
"Marriage is listening to your wife telling the same joke to different people and trying to have fun with it every time you listen.» - Kathleen Snow
"Marriage is to late nights alone watching Netflix while others snore loudly in the other room.» - Mary Kathryn Elizabeth Drain
"Marriage is a partnership - this finds insects and I kill.» - Scott King
"Marriage is to be able to say 'go and get your own ice cream' and not feel bad about not sharing.» - Whitney Van Zyl
"Marriage is essential to state very quickly all the things you want or need to be done before the other person sit or lie down.» - Jessica Kazakos